Instytut Badań Internetu
i Mediów Społecznościowych

Big Data - Monitoring - IBIMS
Raporty IBIMS

Who we are

Instytut Badań Internetu i Mediów Społecznościowych conducts research unique on a European scale in the field of effective communication in social media channels and the Internet, as well as sentiment and emotion analysis with respect to social expectations. We are a leader in detecting and combating disinformation in the Polish Internet and social media.

Our mission

Instytut Badań Internetu i Mediów Społecznościowych conducts research unique on a European scale in the field of effective communication in social media channels and the Internet, as well as sentiment and emotion analysis with respect to social expectations. We are a leader in detecting and combating disinformation in the Polish Internet and social media.

Why cooperate with us?

If you want to:
• better understand the world around you,
• see how your industry is changing,
• know which direction your customers are following,
• what your customers think, what they fear and what they find attractive,
• know what kind of crisis situations you might be facing,
Contact us!
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Unlock the power of data analytics

Thanks to:
• unique methods for collecting and converting data from all publicly available sources,
• regular surveys of user activity,
• analysis of published content and information,
• experience in reading expectations and targeting communication,
• sentiment and emotion analysis of publications,
• and our experience in managing numerous online crisis situations, you can
successfully navigate through the information noise and build a strong position in your market.

Our offer

Our reports

Media about us

Media o IBIMS